The International Conference on Greek Linguistics is a biennial meeting on the study and analysis of Greek (Ancient, Medieval and Modern), placing particular emphasis on the later stages of the language. The papers included in these volumes were presented originally at the ICGL12 held by the Chair for Modern Greek Studies and the Center for Modern Greece (CeMoG) at the Freie Universität Berlin from 16-19 September 2015 and cover all areas of linguistic analysis (applied linguistics, computational linguistics, conversation analysis, corpus linguistics, dialectology, discourse analysis, historical linguistics, morphology, neurolinguistics, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics, syntax, etc.) focusing on any period in the history of the Greek language.
Proceedings of the ICGL12, Vol. 1
Berlin, Edition Romiosini/CeMoG, 2017.
Editors: Thanasis Georgakopoulos, Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou, Miltos Pechlivanos, Artemis Alexiadou, Jannis Androutsopoulos, Alexis Kalokairinos, Stavros Skopeteas and Katerina Stathi.
ISBN: 978-3-946142-43-0
Price: 125,- €
Proceedings of the ICGL12, Vol. 2
Berlin, Edition Romiosini/CeMoG, 2017.
Editors: Thanasis Georgakopoulos, Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou, Miltos Pechlivanos, Artemis Alexiadou, Jannis Androutsopoulos, Alexis Kalokairinos, Stavros Skopeteas and Katerina Stathi.
ISBN: 978-3-946142-35-5
Price: 130,- €