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Dr. Bart Soethaert

Center for Modern Greece (CeMoG)

Coordinator "CeMoG Digital" (2014-2020)

Office hours

Scheduled by appointment via email.

Online Meeting Room: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/bart.soethaert

Bart Soethaert studied Classical Philology and Modern Greek (UGent), Comparative Literature (KULeuven) and Modern Greek Philology (AUTH). He completed his Ph.D. in Modern Greek Studies at Freie Universität Berlin with a dissertation entitled The Turn towards the 'Present-Past'. Horizons of the Historical Novel (1935-1950) in Greece, summa cum laude. In addition to his research work, which includes articles and presentations at conferences and workshops, since 2008 he has been responsible for the planning and implementation of e-Learning projects at the Chair for Modern Greek Studies (Spracherwerb des NeugriechischenDidaktik der neugriechischen Literaturgeschichte, Literaturgeschichtliche e-Assessments).

From 2014 to 2018 he was responsible for the conception and design of the IT infrastructure of the Center for Modern Greece/CeMoG (Web Portal and Media Library, Edition Romiosini Online Library, Knowledge Base of the German-Greek cultural and scientific transfer) and was the project manager of "CeMoG Digital" at the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS). At CeMoG he designed the digital platform for the Online Compendium on German-Greek Entanglements and coordinated the application development with the Open Encyclopedia System (2018-2020).

Since January 2019, he is Research-Track Postdoc and Academic Coordinator in Research Area 5 "Building Digital Communities" of the Cluster of Excellence "Temporal Communities". He contributes to the remediation of the Cluster's core concepts and methods in the digital domain, and coordinates the functional and technical development of the Living Handbook of Temporal Communities with the Open Encyclopedia System. His current research focuses on the global reception of Nikos Kazantzakis (1946-1988).
